
A Sober Discussion of Being and Non-Being

Our Universe is Coming apart at the seams.

Do you know why?

"Nothing" tells

you all, you need to know

     In this book you will discover that we live in a duality of being and becoming, but we could and we should be living in a trinity of being, becoming and non-being (nothing).

    This work explains how the goddess of the underworld, Persephone told Parmenides of the possible three paths but warned him that the second path, the path of non-being could not be traveled so he was not to utter the word "Nothing."

     She said that only the first path was worth traveling---the way of Persuasion. There was an ever-changing second path (Plato would call it the way of opinion) but it should not be traveled. And nothing does not exist.

A New Creation

Have this mind in you, which was also in Christ Jesus:6 who, existing in the form of God, counted not the being on an equality with God a thing to be grasped,7 but emptied himself, taking the form of a servant, being made in the likeness of men;

Phil 2:5-ASV

When Jesus, the creator of the world, died on Calvary, the scriptures says that he emptied himself out. The Greek word is: ekénoosen - made a void. He, the light of the world, he who had created it all out of nothing, brought it all back to nothing.

When Christianity Couquered the Ancient World...

In Latin, the word universal is catholicus. It is derived from the Greek adjective καθολικός (katholikos): universal. The word was first used by Saint Ignatius of Antioch in his Letter to The Smyrnaeans around 110 AD.

He was likely unaware—as all those who came after him would also be—that what Jesus had brought forth was not a “universal” body of believers.

No. What Jesus gave us is a new creation. This new creation, like the original creation, is created out of nothing. And when we as apostles are willing to embrace the nothing we have been called to be, as in 1 Corinthians 1:28, we bring the world, in which we are living—this duality of being and becoming—to this same nothing. We will see this in detail in Chapter 8, We Are The Nothing.

We are Creating a Sober World...out of Nothing...

Together, we are creating a sober world out of Nothing.

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